手機遊戲加速 APP 推薦 - Game Booster PerforMAX 2.1 APK Download for Android


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Android 手機遊戲加速 APP
Game Booster PerforMAX APK Download for Android

Game Booster PerforMAX APK 《Android APP 推薦下載》:Game Booster PerforMAX APP 是一款免費的手機遊戲加速器 APP,這款加速 APP 可以讓玩家在玩遊戲時不管是遊戲跑太慢或是 Lag 太嚴重,都可以讓遊戲更加順暢喔 。

Do your games run slow? See too much Lag?

It's time to unleash the full potential of your phone or tablet!

Game Booster PerforMAX will give you a boost of performance that should reflect on a smoother and better gameplay with less lag and more responsive controls.

It works as a game launcher eliminating the bottle-neck issue that most Android devices experience with memory, caused by bloatware, too many currently running apps or even regular use, depending on the hardware specs. Game Booster PerforMAX temporarily pauses these unnecessary processes making possible for your games to take advantage of a larger amount of resources.

How it works

To accelerate games (or even apps) you must launch them from this app.

To do so, you can either use the center button and select the game you want to run, or you can also add them to bookmarks so you can access them more quickly in the future.


Be honest with yourself about your hardware limitations.

While this app will help you get the most out of your Android device, it doesn't mean you'll be able to run smoothly super complex games on a mid or low-end device.

標籤:遊戲加速 APP、Game Booster PerforMAX APK 下載、

【軟體名稱】:Game Booster PerforMAX APK
【適用系統】:Android 安卓
【軟體性質】:免費軟體 (Freeware)
【檔案大小】:3.8 MB
【商店下載】:Google Play
【檔案下載】:APK 下載點 1APK 下載點 2






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