Xposed Installer APK 《Android APP 推薦下載》:Xposed Installer APP ( Xposed 框架 Apk ) 是一款可以免費修改手機系統或是 App 應用程式的軟體平台,這款強大的 Android 修改器即使是在 XDA 論壇上,還是被認為是「安卓第一神器」,而 Xposed框架的原理就是可替換安卓系統 /System/bin 目錄下的檔案,實現修改系統功能,讓這個由 Xposed框架所開發出來的 App 擁有更多權限,更貼近使用者的習慣。
Let me introduce the Xposed framework, which gives you the possibility to modify your ROM - without modifying any APK (developers) or flashing (users)!
Some technical details:
I extended the /system/bin/app_process executable to load a JAR file on startup. The classes of this file will sit in every process (including the one for system services) and can act with their powers. And even more: I have implemented something that allows developers to replace any method in any class (may it be in the framework, systemui or a custom app). This makes Xposed very powerful. You can change parameters for the method call, modify the return value or skip the call to the method completely - it's all up to you! Also replacing or adding resources is easy, thanks to many helpers in Xposed's API that developers can use.
標籤:Xposed Installer APK Free Download、Xposed 框架 Apk 下載、 Xposed 安裝器、Xposed 官網
【軟體名稱】:Xposed Installer APK
【適用系統】:Android 安卓
【軟體性質】:免費軟體 (Freeware)
【最新版本】:2.7 experimental1
【檔案大小】:770 KB
【檔案下載】:APK 下載點 1、APK 下載點 2

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