ScrnSnap Portable《免安裝版推薦下載》:ScrnSnap 是一款簡單、好用的免費螢幕截圖軟體,雖然軟體檔案不大,不過基本抓圖軟體的功能它都有,像是快速鍵擷取畫面、視窗擷取、自定義擷取(滑鼠拖曳)、網站畫面擷取、視訊鏡頭畫面擷取等等,而轉存的檔案格式有JPG、PNG、GIF、TIF、BMP等等。
ScrnSnap Portable is a free, simple and of course, very easy to use. The best thing about it is being a portable application, as it doesn't have an installer and it saves the settings using INI file located inside the application's folder.
ScrnSnap Portable uses user-defined hotkeys to capture high quality images of multiple formats, including PNG, JPG, BMP, GIF TIF, EMF and WMF.
標籤:免費螢幕截圖軟體推薦、抓圖軟體、ScrnSnap Portable Download、視窗畫面擷取
【軟體名稱】:ScrnSnap Portable
【系統需求】:Windows 7/Win8/Vista/XP
【軟體語言】:簡體中文版 / 多國語言
【檔案大小】:0.9 MB

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