Eusing Free MP3 Cutter Portable《免安裝版推薦下載》:Eusing Free MP3 Cutter 是一款免費、好用的 MP3剪輯軟體,若想要製作手機鈴聲的話,就可以利用這種音樂剪輯工具,可以切割、剪接 MP3,擷取想要的音樂片段,使用的方式很簡單,點選「Open File」選擇想要切割的 MP3檔案,再利用滑鼠移動上方左右游標,若不確定剪輯位置的話,可以按下「Play」開始播放音樂,到想要的位置按下「Make Start、End」,再按下「Start Cut」就可以另存檔案嚕。
Eusing Free MP3 Cutter is a simple utility that allows you to cut out pieces of an audio file (MP3, WAV, WMA). In a few clicks, you can select a part of a song and save the selection in a separate audio file. The software works very fast and has a user-friendly interface. There is a small player built in Eusing Free MP3 Cutter and so you set start-time and end-time just when you listening the song. It also provides a slider bar to visually position a cut points where you want to cut. The id3 information won't be lost after cutting.
標籤:音樂剪輯軟體推薦、MP3 剪輯軟體 免安裝、MP3 剪接工具、音樂剪接、手機鈴聲製作軟體
【軟體名稱】:Eusing Free MP3 Cutter Portable
【系統需求】:Windows 7/Win8/Vista/XP
【檔案大小】:969 KB

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