AntiSnooper Download《v1.1 推薦下載》:當我們工作到一半時突然想離開座位一下子,但又不想登出電腦或是關閉這些視窗,又或者不希望身後的人看到自己的螢幕畫面,這時候就可以利用「AntiSnooper」來解決這個問題,使用者可以設定螢幕畫面多久沒有動作的話,會自動開始模糊(程度可自行設定),避免個人的隱私被偷看喔。
AntiSnooper helps to keep your screen private and your activities on the computer to yourself.
AntiSnooper is a sort of privacy filters that protect data from people standing directly behind you and prevent looking to your application windows - Chats/Web Browsers/Office Documents and other sensitive information…

標籤:AntiSnooper 1.1 Download、防止螢幕畫面被偷窺視窗保護程式
【系統需求】:Windows 7/Win8/Vista/XP
【檔案大小】:11.4 MB

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